Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fruit in Schools

Honourable Tony Ryall
Minister of health
To: 5+ a Day charitable trust
P.O. Box 66047
Beach haven
Auckland 6749

St Therese School
463 Mt Albert Rd
Three Kings
Auckland 1041

Dear Honourable Tony Ryall,

As a student I feel that we need all the fruit that we are able to eat, as we need all the energy and concentration in our every day lives.

One minute I am eating the juicy fruit the next, I am fighting to keep it, and I really feel confused.

I strongly believe that fruit in schools is a very good solution to keeping students healthy. To take fruit in schools away will have every body back to their unhealthy lives. There are a lot of reasons to not banning or taking away fruit in schools.

Firstly, fruit in schools keep us healthy.
Secondly, it gives us energy to keep us up in our every day lives.
Thirdly, it makes us concentrate each day longer and smarter.
Fourthly, it fills us up.
…….And last but not least, it gives every one a chance to try a variety of fruits.

I know that they talk about people getting unhealthy and to fat, but when you say you are going to ban fruit, you are just saying that you don’t care.

I don’t speak for my self when I say that fruit in schools is beautiful, juicy, and sweet, but I know that not only I will feel sad and angry when you take away “Fruit in Schools”.
So Tony Ryall I want you to think about your choice before pulling fruit out of happy children’s hands.

From your unhappy St Therese student.

Yours Sincerely

John Tupouniua