The death of Ian Rider was still trying to be discoverd,
Alex's brain was getting mixed up with all the questons going around And around his HEAD!!!
did Ian Rider actually die in a car crash? Was Ian Rider wearing his seat belt?
so he made his way to the secretarys office and borrowed a copy of yellow pages.
Alex flicked through the pages to find the closed breakers yard,
Suddenly, BOOM, alex found one of the closet breakes yard called
Heaven for cars...
J.B Stryker, Auto Breakers
Lambeth walk, LONDON
Tel:020 7123 5392
...Call us today
Alex ran like a cheeter to the YARD and looked for Ian Riders car,
Alex kept his eyes wide open , but he could not find the car. As he was about to leave , he suddenly saw IAN RIDERS car, seperated from all the others. when he finally reached the car and looked at it , There was nothing except for a bullet that went through the door.......
all Of a sudden alex saw 2 men coming his way, so he hid in the car. the 2 men came past having a conversation.As alex got up he saw the crasher coming his way.
Will Alex die