Thursday, November 19, 2009


The 10th chapter in this book is an exciting part of the book. This is the part in the book when Alex is free from Sayle Interprises. He goes for a walk down in Port Tallon, ordered by Naida Vole. Then as Alex goes for a walk he follows a path into the deep long grass taller then him. Then as he keeps walking he gets trapped in a cage. Oh no to Alex. Then as Alex hears an engine running he quickly stops and thinks of a way to get. Free at last. Alex runs and sees that there are 2 quad bikes after him. He keeps running and running until the quads give up. No is the answer to the quad bikers as they keep trying to get rid of Alex as ordered. Then as Alex thought of a brilliant plan he runs to the edge of the cliff full of grass and waits until the quad bikes find him. Finally, a bike sees Alex trapped edge of the cliff and races to run him down the cliff. BANG!!! Alex quickly moves out of the way and lets the biker fall into mid air. Alex escapes one of the quad bikers. Alex then finds his way out of the long grass and escapes from the quad biker. Surprise to Alex as the other quad biker is right in front of him. Alex was thinking of running right up to him and either crash or jump out of the way. Alex was thinking, run right up to him then jump out of the way. Alex was running his fastest, then the quad biker quickly turned as Alex was a millimetre away from the quad. The quad spins out of control and crashes. It was time to see who was really trying to kill Alex. He was suspecting Yassen Gregorovich, but what a lucky surprise. It wasn't

By: Dominique Koloamatangi