Tuesday, November 10, 2009


The 5th chapter in this book is when Alex starts his training with other people. His instrustor for the process was as mean as you could imagine. He would push Alex around until he got something done or right. The instructor was ordered to teach Alex impossible stunts in only 10 days. The instructor would yell at Alex to try harder and to try get the stunt right. In 10 days Alex sort of got the stunt right. It was time to put his training to the test. The next day Alex and a few of his fellow mates training with him was to get from one side of the stunt house to the other. Alex didn't run the first few tries, because the intructor was scared of him dealing with a gun. Then it was Alex's turn. He followed his four mates Wolf, Fox, Eagle and Snake through the stunt house so he wouldn't do anything wrong. The stunt house was full of booby traps around all floors and walls along with the ceilings. Alex did really well in the stunt house but he didn't make it all the way with his fellow mates along with him.
"Tough luck Double o Nothing!!!"

Dominique Koloamatangi