Friday, November 13, 2009

* StOrMbReAkEr *

The fourth chapter SO WHAT DO YOU SAY begins with Alex waking up not knowing where he is. He was lying on a modern bed, but the room was old and cruddy.
When he looked at himself he could see that someone undressed him. His school uniform was off and he was wearing pyjamas. He looked to the side of him and he found his watch laying on the table beside the bed. The time was 12 o'clock.
He got up and saw a shower, he striped off his clothes and jumped in. When he got out he opened the cupboard and noticed that someone had neatly hanged his clothes. As soon as he got dresseed into his Nike trainers,his Nike sweatshirt and put on some pants a lady came and told him to go to Mr Blunt waiting downstairs to have some lunch and diccuss some things with him. Mr Blunt wants him to become a py.